Striving for a revitalised health service

A model of excellence in quality health services Aims to improve the physical, mental, and social well being of every Motswana to fully contribute to the development of Botswana through a healthy nation. A model of excellence in quality health services Aims to improve the physical, mental, and social well being of every Motswana to fully contribute to the development of Botswana through a healthy nation.

Thank you blood donors

The Botswana Consumer Fair 2024 was nothing short of amazing! Thanks to our heroes without capes for making Ditshupo…

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Prof. Nkomazana visits Nyangabwe Hospital

MoH Perrmanent Secretary, Prof. Oatlhokwa Nkomazana met Nyangabgwe Hospital leadership yesterday ,the engagement…

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Botswana to receive 102 medical specialists from Cuba

Botswana and Cuba signed a Memorandum of Agreement on cooperation in the area of specialised medical health care this…

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